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Clicker Training

What is clicker training?

Clicker training is a great way of teaching your dog new things in a positive way.

Clicker training is a positive training method based on rewarding your dog for good behaviour. Your dog will learn to understand that the sound of the click means yes that’s right and will get a treat.

A click is more effective than your voice as, your mood will influence how you sound and can confuse and by the time you’ve praised your pet they might have moved on to something else. A clicker gives a quick, clear and consistent signal to your pet.

When a dog is rewarded for the right behaviour, they’re most likely to repeat it and look for ways of showing good behaviour so they get a treat.

All you need to get started is a clicker and some treats. Clickers can be found online and at most pet shops and they are relatively cheap.

Before You Start!

Before you start check to make sure your pet isn’t sound sensitive. Some dogs are frightened by the sound of the click but once your dog is used to it you can start training.

If your dog is sensitive to the sound of the click start by making what the click sound means clear to your dog. So, use it for thing like when you put their dinner down, when you take them out and whenever you are going to give them a treat.

Getting started!

Find a quiet area where in your home where you won’t be distracted. With your pet beside you, click once and then immediately give them a treat. Repeat this a few times until your pet becomes alert to the sound of the click and looks to you for a treat.

Now your pet has made the association between a click and a treat you can start to teach them new skills.

Next steps!

One of the easiest things to start with is to teach them to sit. Grab your clicker and treats and head to your training spot. Stand in front of your dog and hold a treat. Don’t do anything else and ignore any other behaviour and wait for them to sit. Your dog is most likely to sit sooner rather than later, when they do make sure you click when they are sitting (not after) and give the treat straight away. Repeat the steps several times and when the dog fully understands sit start saying sit while they are starting to sit, then start saying sit earlier in the trick until you can say it before they are sitting.


The click must be an absolute guarantee that your pet will immediately get a reward. So the golden rule is: every time you click, give your pet a treat, even if you clicked at the wrong time.

During training your dog could get lots of treats so make sure you manage on what you are giving to avoided them becoming over weight.

Don’t point the clicker at your pet or click too close to their ears.

If your dog does not sit, move the treat up over their head a little backward. This should help the dog as its natural for a dog to sit with their head in this position.

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